Sun Country Trailers has been a car hauler manufacturer since 1986, when we started building 3-car carriers in our small warehouse in Central Phoenix, Arizona. Our first customers were local Phoenicians who moved cars to and from local auto auctions.

Soon after, the Sun Country name started to grow. Our customers provided excellent feedback and rave reviews, and by the early 1990s, customers started coming from all parts of North America to purchase their new car carrier from Sun Country Trailers.

A lot has changed in the past decades, but the one thing has remained the same: our dedication to always building the highest quality car carriers to meet the changing needs of our customers.

Check out our current car carrier lines now, or contact us at 866-887-2453 for details or to talk with Brian. In addition to our trailers we have a complete towing parts, service and repair business at Sun Country Towing. We are the Southwest Dealer for Dynamic Towing Equipment and can fulfill all your towing repair and equipment needs.